How many shelled walnuts make a pound?

Walnut halves are 4 cups in a pound. Ground walnuts are also 4 cups to a pound. To get 100 pounds of walnuts in the shell you would have to start with 220 pounds of walnuts in the shell. Half a US cup of walnuts weighs about 50 g (1.8 oz) and contains about 20 individual nut halves in total.

With an average whole weight (including shell) of 11 g (0.4 oz), there are about 91 whole nuts in a kilogram, and based on an average walnut kernel weighing 2.4 g (0.08 oz), there are about 417 walnut halves in a kilogram. The conversion results for Nuts, Walnuts, English quantities found in the table below reflect the Unit De measure chosen in the unit converter above. With an average whole weight (including shell) of 11 g (0.4 oz), there are about 9 whole nuts in 100 g and, based on a half walnut kernel weighing 2.4 g (0.08 oz), there are about 41 walnut halves in 100 g. Based on an average whole walnut weight of 11 g (0.4 oz), containing two walnut halves weighing a total average of 4.8 g (0.17 oz), an empty walnut shell weighs about 6 g (0.2 oz).

Based on the average walnut half weighing 2.4 g (0.08 oz), there are about 12 average-sized walnut halves in a serving, and an average serving contains 183 calories (in kcal). At home, if you're shelling small quantities, place the tip of a nut on a hard surface and hit the top with a hammer. A full American cup of walnut halves weighs 100 g (3.5 oz) and contains about 41 individual walnut halves in total. With an average whole weight (including shell) of 11 g (0.4 oz), there are about 41 whole nuts in a pound, and based on an average walnut kernel weighing 2.4 g (0.08 oz), there are about 189 walnut halves in a pound.

A boneless shell encloses a fibrous leather covering that splits as the walnuts begin to ripen in the fall and indicates that the walnut harvest is near. The group estimates that 1.5 ounces are equivalent to 30 to 36 almonds; nine to 12 Brazil nuts; 24 to 27 cashews; 27 to 30 hazelnuts; 15 to 18 macadamias; 42 to 45 peanuts; 27 to 30 walnuts; 225 to 230 pine nuts; 67 to 70 pistachios; and 12 to 16 walnut halves. The calculator below will help you quickly calculate the weight and calories of your serving of nuts. Use this page to help you calculate the weight and calories of any serving or serving of nuts.

The following conversion table shows more servings of nuts to help you quickly calculate your serving weight and calories. Although walnuts are a good source of protein, they're also relatively high in natural fat and calories, so if you're counting calories, it's a good idea to know how many are in a serving.

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